On July 16, the revision of the «Fugitive Offenders Regulations» triggered a series of storms. At 8 o that evening, protesters rushed to the Fenwick Street in Yuen Long Street to broadcast the conflict between the police and the demonstrators in the past few days. Video, claiming that the police «abuse violence.».
After the fall of Raqqa and the coalition defeat of the Islamic State’s strongholds, President Trump announced that «100 percent» of the caliphate had been destroyed. But the tens of thousands of Islamic State fighters and family members left over were herded into massive fenced internally canada goose outlet new york city displaced persons canada goose outlet store uk (IDP) camps with little aid, security or supervision. Separate from the canada goose outlet in usa IDP camps, which house mostly women and children, more than 2,000 Islamic State fighters sit in a network of makeshift canada goose outlet uk prisons.
Honestly, someone running those cesspools needs to be held responsible for the shit that happening on their property. A good friend of mine had a single bad relationship and ended up on r9k and stumbled into pol and some of the shit he says and thinks now is pretty ridiculous and borderline disturbing (and that just the shit he willing to say outloud). I not concerned that he will do anything, but it rough watching a friend slip down this rabbit hole and all I can really do is offer rational resistance to the crazy (he still listen to me since I a Libertarian and therefor not a perceived «socialist liberal» or whatever.
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And on the world stage there are few takers for Pakistan’s position, something its foreign affairs minister even admits. Russia has already endorsed the Indian position. Pakistan’s main benefactor, China, is the most likely to be unhappy with India not so much on behalf of Islamabad but because of its own boundary disputes with India.
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